(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
03:40 AM 14/06/2012 |
Falcar and I have been planning a while to finish Obsurity off as we know there is still a lot of interest in the mod based on feedback (we have just been short on time and motivation for a while). With this in mind, we would love to hear any suggestions/bug fixes/ideas you would like to put forth to possibly be included in the final release of Obscurity.
I will add new suggestions from this forum as coloured additions to the list as they are supplied to us, but please note not every suggestion will make it into the mod (I'm looking at you Freddy)
Current Suggestions/Ideas:
• Player count determined map playlists • Good visibility of website address within the mod • Fix currently bugged stance sync (Ghost) and finish off all stance sync abilities • Add more mutators • Polish off some of the other gametypes • Add a new gametype • Add new stance • Disable certain perks/weapons • Update the help menu to cover all abilities & features • Invisible Rocket Firing Helicopters • Translate help menu into multiple languages (with a language toggle option in config to change it) • Dayglow Orange Everywhere • Health Regen Settings/Mutator • Barebones/Oldschool Obscurity Gametype (I suggest to download the mod version you like, they are all available, even original)
(xfire: baraspitfire)

Posts: 84
03:48 AM 14/06/2012 |
Invisible rocket firing helicopters.....
(xfire: joel190294)

Posts: 3
04:13 AM 14/06/2012 |
if I could get two versions, one in English and otra in Spanish, since many do not understand English and is difficult to understand the mod.
Desde South America muchas gracias ;-)
Por cierto, nuestro server es
Saludos y suerte con el proyecto, estaré al tanto
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
04:26 AM 14/06/2012 |
I have added your server to the left (OBS MOD Spain), and translation idea to the suggestion list. Glad you are still enjoying the mod :)
(xfire: warmourner)

Posts: 75
05:22 AM 14/06/2012 |
I've never looked to see how customisable obs is server side.
Is it possible to tweak things like stance spec/health regen time etc? If not, that could be a decent way of letting server admins to further play around with difficulty.
(although i guess those could all be placed as mutators)
Also dayglo orange ghillie suits. Everywhere.

OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 256
12:49 PM 14/06/2012 |
I found one easter egg.. unless you're talking about a different one but it's the one where you [verb] to [proper noun] and then you can [verb] all of the [nouns] everywhere to [verb] the [proper nouns].
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
12:54 PM 14/06/2012 |
Yeah, it's possibly that same one, but I thought we told a couple of people :P

OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 256
01:18 PM 14/06/2012 |
I don't remember.
(xfire: seamusthefamous)

Posts: 526
02:20 PM 14/06/2012 |
haha yeah Des you're thinking of the right one :D technically it couldn't be a proper noun at the end, but I know what you mean because of it xD
(xfire: warmourner)

Posts: 75
02:38 AM 15/06/2012 |
Yeah you told atleast a few people, it sort of explained some, hm... mysterious things i sometimes noticed lol.
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
03:08 AM 16/06/2012 |
I only ever used it against you Phoenix :P
(xfire: LaZerAus)

OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 225
05:46 AM 16/06/2012 |
Pretty sure I know of this easter egg. But I agree with Snake, I've only ever used it against Phoenix & Des. haha
Keen on a Final update and getting everyone back in the server.
(xfire: joel190294)

Posts: 3
07:48 AM 16/06/2012 |
for when will be the final version? I'm anxious...    
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
09:00 AM 17/06/2012 |
No timeframe just yet. Just gathering people's thoughts so that they don't ask for more stuff after it is released :P
(xfire: cnoe00)

Posts: 19
10:44 AM 17/06/2012 |
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
08:59 AM 18/06/2012 |
An easter egg is a secret we added into the mod for players to discover. But I don't think many managed to discover it as it may have been too... obscure :P
(xfire: joel190294)

Posts: 3
08:26 PM 18/06/2012 |
seria bueno contar con un sistema de ranking, o de nivel, el cual cada vez que juntes XP puedas subir de lvl, para identificar quienes tienen mas experiencia :3
would be good to have a ranking system, or level, which every time you collect XP can lvl up to identify those with more experience: 3
(xfire: seamusthefamous)

Posts: 526
12:22 AM 19/06/2012 |
(xfire: spycat13)

Posts: 8
10:04 PM 19/06/2012 |
guys i know it is very hard to mod cod4 but you made the greatest mod (with greatest effort)
so i was wondering if there could be any obscurity match mode? like clan/squad war? i mean it is fun to play but some challenge would be nicer ;)
also i really miss vip mode, is there any chance of it returning?
for the last, maybe sniper damages could be increased? i saw many players hating the r700 because it cant get one shot one kill
man i will miss waiting the next updates...
my last hope is you guys developing a stand alone obscurity game =) (when i graduate i might attempt to do it)
thanks for the amazing mod that made me stay on cod4 =)
(xfire: warmourner)

Posts: 75
02:13 AM 20/06/2012 |
With stopping power the r700 1 hit kills at about 25m or further if you hit the upper torso. headshots always kill.
(xfire: seamusthefamous)

Posts: 526
03:26 AM 20/06/2012 |
Sniper rifles probably won't be changed - they work exactly as intended. In fact, if anything in the right hands they're *too* powerful - but for the majority of players they're perfect.
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
08:59 AM 29/06/2012 |
From Obscure Creations Facebook Page We may have a new version of Obscurity up on the OC1 server this weekend for some testing of a new gametype. All Aussies/Kiwi's feel free to join in on the massacre!
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
06:29 AM 30/06/2012 |
Currently hard at work modding 

Posts: 11
07:07 AM 03/07/2012 |
Is there any way you can force Admin panel to use 32 digits GUID instead of 8 digits GUID ?
(xfire: seamusthefamous)

Posts: 526
08:53 AM 03/07/2012 |
I'll add in functionality for it to accept either 32 or 8 character GUID's, as long as COD doesn't have a fit :)

Posts: 11
02:51 PM 20/08/2012 |
Is this functionallity now available in 299e ?
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
01:41 AM 21/08/2012 |
I don't believe it has been added yet. It will be added to the obs_final (obs_fin version) if it is possible.
(xfire: cnoe00)

Posts: 19
08:00 PM 31/08/2012 |
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
06:06 AM 10/09/2012 |
Sync is not the easter egg. Sync is currently a WIP feature that helps encourage teamwork between the obs players. Basically it allows obs players to score a lot higher and enhance their special ability by synchronising the selected special ability. To initiate a sync, one obs player must shoot another obs player with the obs pistol, this will send a message to the other obs' screen announcing the stance the firing obs wishes to sync to. If they accept, they will then synchronise the ability (signified by the stance special icon having a glow around it). When this occurs the power of the ability is greater & both obs players get points for any kills between them. If one of the obs switches stance or dies, the sync breaks and the icon will no longer glow etc.
An example of stance sync etra power is as follows - if meatshield is sync'd, all sync'd obs players will get a meatshield as soon as one of them kills a marine. However, please be aware that not all stances have had this feature implemented yet. Tank, ghost, and meatshield are the ones that should currently work as of the most recent version if I remember correctly.
All I can say is that the easter egg is spectator related.
(xfire: cnoe00)

Posts: 19
02:47 PM 28/09/2012 |
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
05:58 AM 03/10/2012 |
Muzzle flashes - Cannot be added as we have reached FX limit once more and there are way to many muzzle flashes. It is not worth the waste of FX.
FP blood (when stabbed in hands, players were limited to pistol only) and burnt corpses were both from Obs v1. They needed to be removed to free up xmodels for use elsewhere.
Oil cans and Molotovs were going to be added towards end of 2011 (there should be a really good molotov video there somewhere), but we recently decided against it as it meant removing support for Chinatown map and no more FX (which we needed for Hunt gametype). The FX limit is now once more 1 or 0 FX from being maxed. We are trying to save a little for new gametypes...we will see how that goes.
(xfire: cnoe00)

Posts: 19
03:08 PM 04/10/2012 |
(xfire: cnoe00)

Posts: 19
04:03 PM 29/04/2013 |
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
02:36 AM 01/05/2013 |
- I cannot really understand what the bug is that he is trying to describe.
-The katana was just a very old experiment, it did look cool but it was not very functional and provided a lot of clipping. We have since also focussed on kitting marines with perks and abilities that suit things that a soldier would have. I don't really think a katana has a place in the mod, despite how cool katanas are. It was just me stuffing around with models and such. I also considered wolverine claws instead of the obscurity knife as well.
-Spider grenades are not appropriate for the marines in Obscurity as they are not meant to have the same tech as an obscurity and therefore it would not make sense for them to have them. The special grenades that are currently in the game provide similar functionality and are the type of things you would expect a soldier to carry.
-Team/squad chat has been brought up before and looked into, but we do not believe it is technically possible within the constraints of the COD4 engine. Sorry about that one as that is a feature that would have been nice.

Posts: 1
02:19 AM 14/05/2013 |
What about making favorite classes?
So you can choose your favorite class instead of changing your class everytime you join. Like you just can change. but also go to your favorite classes.
I know it is not something big or new but it would be very handy.
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
12:28 PM 19/05/2013 |
This has been suggested many times, but unfortunately the way we have created the mod and the limitations on what we can add due to the engine does not allow us to add this feature. This is why we have added a large list of community generated presets into the mod, as it was the next best thing.

Posts: 3
05:28 AM 30/06/2013 |
make separate commands for VIP? + Icon, and new weapons from obs and obs replace voice and add Russian translation =)
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
01:02 AM 01/07/2013 |
VIP (Very Important Pyro) is no longer a supported gametype, so I am not 100% sure what you are referring to for that bit. If you are referring to admins, I don't think they should be identifiable by icons ingame. They need the ability to be able to suss out players who hack/cheat without being identified.
I don't think we can add any new weapons due to the limitations of the engine being reached, but if there was space it would most likely be the molotov that we made.
The obscurity has it's own voice/taunts, other than the breathing from sprints and grunts etc.
It is unlikely we will be translating any parts of the mod into languages other than English.

Posts: 3
10:14 AM 01/07/2013 |
Can music in the early rounds to do? middle when I went to the server as on death Run 1.2 + vip

Posts: 1
11:22 AM 31/07/2013 |
New Weapon, picked from mw2 (like the killtheking mod)
A laser to attach to the weapon :D
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
01:22 AM 01/08/2013 |
"Sharks with frikin lasers attached to their heads"?
We tried to add synchronised gun laser dots as a weapon attachment to the mod, but they were pretty laggy due to timer refresh issues within the engine that we could not work around. Didn't look smooth and sexy so couldn't use them.
Although I am not sure this is what you are suggesting. I get the impression you are suggestion Goldeneye style laser wrist watches :P

Posts: 5
07:48 PM 13/02/2014 |
1.Maybe to remove the part of the code or make it optional where some players' settings are changed.Many people never come back becuase obscurity has changed their config.If it is possible to make it pernamently changed (while you are playing obscurity that settings will be changed, but when you quit your settings come back in normal).
2.To make ranking system,levels and maybe prestiges (unlocking stuff with level(perks,weapons,stances,firing modes)).
I hope it's not too late for this.
p.s. Do you know when will it be done
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
08:38 AM 21/02/2014 |
1. There are no permanant config changes, but there are some settings that require changing for the proper Obscurity experience to be achieved. I am sure you could setup your own config file to load when you run the game that has the corrected settings you want, but I do not believe config settings can be reverted whenever a player leaves the server. Therefore it is on the player to setup his configs and consoles settings correctly as per most games. Anything Obscurity changes is to either reduce glitchy and abusive behaviour or improve the gameplay.
2. Rankings, prestiges etc have already been discussed many times. The answer is that it cannot be done with how we have built the mod, and it is also not something we wanted as part of the gameplay experience. We wanted all the power to be put into the player's fingertips from the beginning therefore allowing skill to determine one player from another, rather than ranks or unlocks. This was very important for the Obscurity player in particular. We wanted to give these players access to a plethora of options to deal with and harass their opponents from the get-go, with the only limitations being creativity, skill or knowledge.
As for the final release of the mod - it is unlikely and cannot be foreseen at this time. Hopefully the various versions already available are enough to keep you interested.
If anything new arises with Obscurity in the future you will hear about it from , or

Posts: 1
03:29 PM 17/10/2014 |
It would be awesome if you could add squad talk.
Something just like teamtalking but then for squads..
And I'm wondering how far you guys are and how long it takes as I'm thrilled to see the update

Posts: 2
07:13 PM 26/10/2014 |
Late to the party, but ....
My clan would like to host a OBS server and we are currently testing it out.
We'd like the option to reflect team shooting/kill, as even myself have had issue getting excited over lasers going off and wasting buddies. Not necesarily turn it off but reflect or share in config rather than no option to adjust it (not necesary to turn off completely as it makes us more skilled to adjust for it) scr_team_fftype [1-3] (EXCLUDED DISABLE, Enabled, Reflect, Shared) Or is it possible to exec secondary config somehow?
Can something be done with predator/obscurate camping (make eyes flash green or red in obvious contrast to background, like changing stances can cause you to be red flamed for instance?
Also we share our RCON password with the trusted circle and wonder if it is possible to disable the admin panel?
If you guys decide to give up on the mod, do you think you willl release and make it open source like openwarfare?
(xfire: zacbash)

Posts: 64
03:27 PM 28/10/2014 |
Well you say the Obscurity must not camp? Maybe it is other peoples gaming style to wait for good situations?
The admin panel can not be disabled.
Last but not least: You are not the only one who asked for RAW files. And guess what?
Nobody got them so far.

Posts: 2
11:34 PM 11/11/2014 |
BOTS.. it would be nice with somehting like pezbot mod combined.
as far as what i meant about open sourcing to clearify. I am not asking for these files to compile the mod myself right now (as stated plenty others have and been denied rightly so). If/when you decide to retire from the mod all together would you then consider open sourcing the project is what I asked?