(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
11:54 AM 11/02/2011 |
All files needed to run mp_obs299d 'work in progress' are in the mp_obs299d_wip_allserverfiles.rar on the downloads page. The download includes the new configs and all files needed to run an obscurity299d server. (It is not complete to the point of an official release, but we thought it was due time a downloadable update was released for you all)
Generalised Change Summary
• Obscurity winning Elimination stay as Obscurity • Brightened night lighting • Blackened sky during night • Added new dynamic weather system • Mod banned player's guid now shown on kick • Added buttons for all custom key binds • Changed night vision to use a custom key bind • All survivors now have night vision • Removed coloured smoke (to free effects) • Smoke blurs vision • Added Enhanced Night Vision perk • Buffed hunter perk • Improvements to Battle Hardened • Increased laser range and improved effects • Introduced Obscurity stances (Obscurity: Stances Guide) • Added obscurity stealth pistol • Added spider web firing mode • Improved indirect firing modes • Optimised and improved phasing logic • Added admin panel • Improved player scoring depending on kill • Changed weapon camouflages • Implemented propagating fire • Added Fireproof perk • Re-scriped and designed blood/gore effects • Updated loading screen hints • Added taunt skills (Obscurity: Taunt Skills Guide) • Added missing sections to help file • Added squad leaderboard and high score rewards • Changed obscurity vision • Added tracking pistol for obscurity • Added propagating tracking infection • Fixed the description for battle hardened to "Higher pain threshold and reduced blinding effects." • Fixed the description for special x 3 to "3 special grenades". It was "3 special grenades. No smoke" • Fixed the RPG description to "RPG-7 x 3". It was "RPG-7 x 2". • Fixed the c4 description to "C4 x 3". • Introduced point loss for tagging. • Various improvements and changes to marine perks
• VIP gametype is no longer supported. All gametypes other than Elimination may be functional, but Elimination is our focus, so the other gametypes may have some minor bugs.
And various other huge changes since 299c which was released, possibly over a year ago.
Please be aware that there are many things that are still to be added, including updated help files, and therefore this is a 'work in progress' release. It is functional and there have been around a years' worth of changes since 299c, but it is not our official 299d release just yet.
The biggest changes were the introduction of stances and the admin panel which allows admins to be chosen and given restricted controls over the server, without having to share the rcon login details with them and give them access to everything.
If you have questions, feel free to ask us in the forums, or speak to your server admins.
Posts: 54
01:02 PM 11/02/2011 |
Great :D
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
01:38 PM 12/02/2011 |
Medic issues have now been fixed.

Posts: 3
11:23 PM 14/02/2011 |
just played it..awesome (: but there was 23 ppl .hard to be an obs..and when im obs i get bad team...but still..mod is amazing (:
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
05:08 AM 15/02/2011 |
When playing on the obscurity team, its currently less about team work and more about outwitting your opponents whilst contantly staying aware of your surroundings. I find most of the time, when you stick close to another obscurity, you end up getting each other killed. Perhaps we could create some team work inducing features for the obscurity team sometime. Currently the only team assistance they can provide is tracking.
Although 2 nights ago I had an epic team work moment with another obscurity, whereby there was 2 marines facing each other and we both came in and stabbed them in a synchronised fashion; it was great stuff.
(xfire: babyjesus93)

Posts: 59
08:40 AM 15/02/2011 |
hahaha look forward to seeing your ideas
(xfire: AzzDawg52)

Posts: 129
01:12 PM 15/02/2011 |
Great idea Snake.
I always get killed by the other obs. I always stay as far away from them and they always seem to work their way to me and try to go for the marine i am after. Then proceed to get me killed. Its great. lol
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
03:54 AM 02/04/2011 |
OC1 2.99d WIP update 1/04/2010 (Only obtainable from OC1 server at present)
-Players now take much longer to burn to death, making it easier to douse and survive. -Incendiary Grenade perk name changed to Incendiary and now has additional functions/features. -TGB-7V Thermobaric Round on the RPG when using Incendiary perk. -RPG's can now be fired from the hip, but very innacurately. -10% chance that any damage you deal will light a limb on fire when using Incendiary. -Fireproof now gives immunity to Firebug Special, and provides better survival rates when burning, as flames won't spread. -Ghost stance bug fixed. Players will now take double damage when using Ghost. -Small image/sound/fx tweaks. -Discovered another engine limitation (yay...)
(xfire: babyjesus93)

Posts: 59
10:23 AM 02/04/2011 |
nice work i like the idea with the rpg modifications. whats the new problem with the engine?
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
12:54 AM 03/04/2011 |
Just another limitation, which means we can't fix Dead Silence for Obscurity as we did for Covert Ops.

Posts: 42
01:33 AM 03/04/2011 |
whats the deal with Covert Ops?
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
02:03 AM 03/04/2011 |
Just a more casual, Team vs Team affair involving cloaks. Some people think Obscurity is too complex, so we made a more casual mod, but linked them together storywise.
Red Vests vs Blue Vests, testing prototype devices created from technogy obtained during battle with the Obscurity. Supports all game types including in original COD4.

Posts: 42
12:13 PM 03/04/2011 |
Sounds like loads of fun! I might try it.
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
08:17 AM 05/04/2011 |
A couple of bugs with the previous 2.99d update. We will try to get these fixed ASAP.
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
01:18 PM 08/04/2011 |
-Fixed ghost stance bug -Added Incendiary bullets, RPG's and C4 -Reduced burning damage -Reduced RPG capacity to 2 -Reduced Laser capacity to 4 -Fixed Laser marking bug -Reduced Laser beam max range to 15m -Fixed Incendiary RPG & Sonic Boom bug -Fixed C4 detonation bug -If you suicide, you will lose perk 1 for the following round
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
09:11 AM 13/04/2011 |
-Made obs stance/tank glow less obtrusive/distracting -Added higher quality/no hiss storm sounds -Changed Squad Scoreboard to Squad/Player Scoreboard -Updated squad competitive notifications -Replaced Stun Grenades with Anti-Fire Grenades
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
06:11 AM 18/04/2011 |
-Enhanced obscurity pistol knife. -Added Stutter Stance
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
04:44 PM 29/04/2011 |
-Obscurity players falling outside of the map will be returned to the nearest spawn point, reducing phase deaths and stabbing from below maps. -Falling out of the map counts as a suicide. -Silenced Dead Silence and Ghost -Balanced Stutter stance -Updated Gore/Die! blood fx
Posts: 54
10:49 AM 30/04/2011 |
really like the respawn to the nearest spawn. Good thinking , it was pretty unfair and some actually ragequit : /
(xfire: rocco027)

Posts: 24
08:33 PM 30/04/2011 |
Only OC1 server has latest version of mod or possible to download from other server? OC1 server got PING limit...:( Homepage has 2.99d version only and itsn't updated, i mean doesn't have latest fix and new things...
(xfire: zacbash)

Posts: 64
09:51 PM 30/04/2011 |
There you get it.
Posts: 54
06:59 PM 01/05/2011 |
come on rtx obscurity we have the latest version in a little time!
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
08:26 AM 03/06/2011 |
Obs 2.99d WIP 03/06/2011 -Remade blood splatter logic and graphics -Added Puppeteer stance -Removed possession hop animation bug -Removed friendly radar icons -Added new presets -Preset names now list main weapon in brackets -Added 'Change to Spectator' admin button -Rewrote Obscurity selection logic -Added scr_obsstayobs dvar -Made notifications buffer -Added heal icons for wounded squadmates
Posts: 54
07:07 PM 03/06/2011 |
-Removed possession hop animation bug
-Removed friendly radar icons
-Added 'Change to Spectator' admin button
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
02:19 AM 04/06/2011 |
I suggest not joining a squad for a few rounds. Awesome fear and scares inbound now! It's a whole new experience.
PS: The blood spatter has been completely redone and is so bloody (hehe) epic now!
Posts: 54
06:40 AM 04/06/2011 |
Its possess time!!
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
04:25 AM 05/06/2011 |
Obscurity 2.99d WIP Bug Fixes 05/06/2011
-Bug Fix: Heal Icon no longer stays on a squadmate when new round begins -Bug Fix: Players possessed via Puppeteer should no longer be invincible -Bug Fix: Ditched bodies 'should' no longer float/freeze in place as often -Obscurity in possessed bodies will no longer be able to see bloodlust or contagion tracking
(xfire: warmourner)

Posts: 75
07:51 AM 05/06/2011 |
-Obscurity in possessed bodies will no longer be able to see bloodlust or contagion tracking
thank god lol, as well as for balance, its annoying when you can't tell if a marine (ie: sniper) is looking at you or not lol.
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
08:18 AM 05/06/2011 |
I agree lol :P
Posts: 54
07:31 AM 10/06/2011 |
hey did you guys do any changes to knifing?
All of a sudden i can't knife anything! not an fps or lag problem..
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
08:29 AM 10/06/2011 |
No changes to knifing, sniping or obs_hp. If anybody says anything different they are talking crap.
(xfire: snakelet)

Posts: 1330
09:00 AM 10/06/2011 |
mp_obs299d full can now be obtained from the downloads page. This is the full release of 2.99d, as we are now moving onto 2.99e WIP. We are aiming to provide some all new features for 2.99e WIP, so keep an eye out for it VERY soon.