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OBSCURITY >> Feedback & Suggestions >> Marines Kniving Obs

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
08:30 PM 08/08/2009

i hear you guys are going to reduce damage done from the marine knife to the obs. so that it will no longer be 1 hit kill! is this true?! please say no :'(

(xfire: LaZerAus) 


OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 225
12:47 AM 09/08/2009

yes, this is true.
They are changing the locational damage, so that obs will not be killed instantly with a knife to the gut/chest area. But they will be thrown back with half damage taken giving the marine time to escape/continue shooting. But the 1 knife kill is still possible if you aim for the head.

I hear snakelets mum has provided new sounds effects to for the next update aswell :P

But thats as much as i know, im sure theyll fill you in with more detail.

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
02:19 AM 09/08/2009

Snakelet's mum... lol what?

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
03:53 AM 09/08/2009

lol yeah I said that ingame last night (j/k) Tongue out

Blazer, Obscurity players have to knife to kill, therefore they should have the up close advantage. At the moment they do not, as marines win a knife fight the majority of the time. So we are looking at ways to balance it more. So, yes, we are implementing what was said above.

One hit kills will be possible, if you hit the Obscurity in the face or upper region, and the knock back will give you time to hit em with a round or two to finish the job.

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
05:21 AM 09/08/2009

ahould be able tp cripple an ob or something

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
07:51 AM 09/08/2009

Nope, mutilating people is an obscurity only skill.

(xfire: crunchydeath) 



Posts: 98
09:15 AM 09/08/2009

hows about when you knife them it completely empties their super jump meter?

so they cant flee instantly!!

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
10:24 AM 09/08/2009

How's about you just try what we just added! Tongue out

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
09:22 PM 09/08/2009

ok, i guess thats fine. ill have to try it out.

sad about the cooldown for the acrobat perk tho :( bunnies pwn all XD

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
01:16 AM 10/08/2009

ok guys, dont hate me for it, but many players on the obs servers hate the new knifing edits. obs one is perfectly fine, marines....not so much.

for those who couldnt post here i am doing so for them.

they have said that the knifing should still be 1 hit kill. if the obs fails as a good close range combatant, he deserves to die from the knife. the good or LUCKY players are the ones who knife obs. its their own fault to die from incapability to knife marines. many players agreed and added their beliefs to this. they have agreed that the old kniving standards made being obs more challenging and, therefore more fun. both as obs and marines. certain agreement was also met on how the game is less....tense, like a showdown between the obs and marines. they both could end each others life with a quick swong of the blade. w/o it the obs become either considered, extremely powered over the marines when we fight-especially in close combat. obs are certainly quick enough to dodge bullets and are hard enough to get a knife on. so achieving the goal of knifing the obs, at their own specialty should somewhat be rewarded by the death of the incapable obs.

now for those who disagreed with the knife also had some feelings about acrobat, they understand your reasons for the current effects displayed on it. they also agree the game was fine without it, but that the perk basically-straight forward, stinks. theres no point in it if u cant jump high (EAS servers) or if it becomes strictly limited. they agreed that glitching is a problem and that it is totally understandable and needs to be fixed for acrobat to work effectively-leaving some of the more obvious and easier glitches available since theres no problem with obs getting to them.

im sorry if this causing any distress on any person/s and dont mean to pick on the creators of this wonderful mod or the most appreciated hosts of the great creation. please consider the thoughts of these players. we understand the other players out there who agree with the changes.

thank you for your considerations and we will continue to come up with ideas or any improvements to help this mod become greater and fun to all. -we will continue an ongoing discussion with you if you would allow it. although it might take time to respond for there are more than one player represented here. they may come on and comment on their own or rely on me to speak their views to you.






Posts: 244
04:44 AM 10/08/2009

1. I don't think anyone has said that the perk stinks. Just that in some cases it was unworkable with non-glitching server.


A. The distance of the knifing now is in many people's opinion finally correct. It feels right and there are almost ZERO mystifyingly long knives anymore. Also takes some more skill and setup to knife someone instead of being able to run by them and 180wtfpwn them with a 5 foot knife.

B. The knife damage for marines to Obscurities is in my opinion, and some others, better now. You CAN still 1 hit them, and I have multiple times since the update has been released.  Marines don't die in one hit unless it's Head or neck, why should obs die with head, neck, shoulder/chest and gut? (Those are to my understanding of how they previously were, if not please correct me) Also they are ALIENS therefore why would they be susceptible to the same types of damage? Someone said "But decapitation would kill anything!" To this I say please take a common military knife, and in one swing, the way they do in the game, please try to cut a WATERMELON in half... Realisticly speaking not many people on this planet who are not wielding a nepalese kukri can do that.

3. Marines have Bullets, lots of bullets. Hopefully Aim and Wits as well. These combined, in number, make it difficult for an obscurity to succeed. When is the last time you saw a game where Obscurity won every round? Almost never happens. (I am of course using the EAS server ratio of 4.5-1 Marine-Obs) Now once a player becomes experienced as an obscurity they can more easily defeat many more marines.

4. The game, again in my opinion, with this update has finally gotten some of the Tense-ness BACK. Before marines figured out they could 1-hit kill knife an obs (about 1-2 months ago) NO ONE DID IT! They would try and shoot them until they went to last stand and THEN try to knife. It wasn't untill someone started to do it regularly did they realize "Omg if I train doing this then I CAN PWN OBS!" It was very unbalanced. Especially with the unseen knife lunge the way it was. I was knifed MID-AIR-OBS-JUMP passing a marine who happened to knife my torso, killing me instantly. It was just too powerful to be viable. People like Bisc wouldn't even bother shootin obs, they would just run around and knife them all. 3-5 knifes a round. It was rediculous. We are not Arnold, or Rambo, or any other amazingly over talented fighter. We are marines confronted by an unknown being. Realisticly we would be scared $h!7less.


I for one, think that this update has brought back some of the challenge for both sides that it needed.  Also, when you, or anyone else for that matter, first started playing this mod. We didn't whine about updates, we dealt with them and figured them out. We learned how to play and we got over any changes we didn't like. I don't want this to turn into a democracy, because as soon as the makers pander to the fans, the creation starts to decline, and I don't want that to happen.


Falcar and Snakelet, wether you take it away, or keep it in, I am in agreement with whatever you do just because you guys know best. I know you take our feedback, but do what you guys think should be done.


<3 to all


(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
04:46 AM 10/08/2009

"certain agreement was also met on how the game is less....tense, like a showdown between the obs and marines. they both could end each others life with a quick swong of the blade. w/o it the obs become either considered, extremely powered over the marines when we fight-especially in close combat. "

Obscurity are meant to have the advantage over marines in close combat. Previously they did not.

Blazer, I believe you should try it some more. You only need to tag the Obscurity 1 time with your gun, as range is your advantage over the Obscurity, and then you can kill it instantly with a knife. You can also insta-kill if you aim for his head.

A marine should be using his gun more then his knife as range is his advantage and cqb is the obscurity advantage, and before this update, that was not occuring.  It was a 50/50 chance of one or the other being killed. If teams were balanced, that would be ok, but Obscurity numbers are less, therefore they are meant to own you when you let them get near you.

I suggest you try and tag the obscurity before you knife him. He will drop after a tag.

As for the Acrobat perk I suggest you read over the release note again . "Added dvar to disable the Acrobat jump boost". The boost is still there, it can just be toggled off, which may be the case on your server, but more importantly, you can survive way higher drops without dying if you have the Acrobat perk.

TBH Blazer, I think you need to spend some more time trying out all the new stuff, as to me you seemed to have jumped the gun before fully understanding the reasons for the changes and actually testing them out enough to come to your conclusion. Give it some time, so far from what I have seen, the changes are a success.

Summary: It has about a 90% chance of staying the way it is, so I suggest you practice aiming your gun, rather then swinging your blade and read over the update notes regarding Acrobat.

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
05:27 AM 10/08/2009

I was just playing on SoS, the survivor knife damage didn't seem to effect me at all, I either hit them in the head for an instant kill every time or they were already hurt so died anyway.

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
06:31 AM 10/08/2009

Thus, reinforcing what I said, whilst using much less text Tongue out.

Falcar, perhaps you could shed some light onto the Acrobat dvar you added. Because I do believe that it may be defaulting to off, therefore no jump bonus currently on servers.

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
07:02 AM 10/08/2009

Nah its default is on... besides, it tells you as soon as you spawn that it has been disabled.

(xfire: crunchydeath) 



Posts: 98
07:20 AM 10/08/2009

i have nothing to add.  as i haven't had a chance to use the new update.... just thought you all should know :P

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
08:15 PM 10/08/2009

hmm, well i guess my hit registration fails a lot. it seems i either knife them in upper chest around neck on my screen but, well he lives. lol. so it has brought change to me and many other players. it seems like its less fun now that knifing obs has been takin away, u can't just run around with a pistol anymore knifing the obs or having a mexican stand off XD

i dont know really how to express the "disappointmen", i guess it could be called.     the life of the game when u show up an obs at their specialty with friends around is just that much more enjoyable. Tongue out




Posts: 244
10:24 PM 10/08/2009

Or, and no offense meant, you just weren't as good at knifing as you thought you were. A lot of people have been saying "But now I can't hit them and I die more!"


I guess people should practice harder =) It's still easy to 1hit kill an obs with a knife. Just gotta play a bit more =)

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
11:23 PM 10/08/2009

Blazer, you can still 1 hit an Obscurity.

Just attempt to tag them just 1 time and they will drop instantly from a knife, or the reverse, knife them and when they get knocked back tag them and they will pop. If the obscurity has taken any damage before a knife he is almost guaranteed to die from the knife.

Aim higher with your knives if you don't want to tag them.

Also, be aware the knifing distance was reduced so you will need to get used to the new shorter distance.

You are not meant to be running around pwning every obscurity you see with a knife and pistol. You have been given many perks and lots of firepower, use it. So far, the game seems a lot more balanced now. Most of the rounds I played last night were very even and no team took a major round lead. The original idea was meant to be 1 obscurity vs around 10 marines, so the obscurity was always meant to have the upper hand in 1 vs 1.

If anything, tagging an obscurity and then knifing him or knifing his head takes more skill then just one simple knife. You were never showing up an obscurity who had a weaker knife then you, who you could kill by stabbing his hand...

AND FINALLY Tongue out, what Spider says above brings up another good point. You were never meant to be a 1-man army (unless you are the obscurity). Squads are there for a reason, to promote teamwork. If you find you are dying more, group up with some people and try working as a fireteam. If there is somebody covering your back and flanks, you are less likely to die. Even just knowing the positions of other marines can be handy, as you can fall back to them or see when they get dropped.




Posts: 42
01:21 AM 11/08/2009

yea or know when some1 is possessed. i do it all the time when i camp. i hold tab and pay attention to were every1 is.hmpph and they think i hack...

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
01:36 AM 11/08/2009

1sr- everyone still hates the knifing and more ppl who come and ask whats new automatically hate it.

2nd- hard to play with other ppl when their noobs and suck so hard and get possessed. we do our best with friends tho.

3rd-even aiming high doesnt work, u have to like hit him exactly between the eyes and with the obs moving so fast and being able to take so many hits, it seems unfair. they even dodge many bullets.

4th-so you reduced both the obs and marines knifing distance? it was still hard and more fun before this latest update. ( knifing wise)

please remember im just not speaking about me but many players out there who give me input.




Posts: 244
01:37 AM 11/08/2009

lol johnyboy, been there done that xD  I use tab CONSTANTLY. Safest thing ever xD


As for the crowd you're talking about blazer, most of which are under 16, they need to get some skill. It's not supposed to be cheese.. It's SUPPOSED to be hard. If you can't deal with the difficulty level (Not YOU, anyone) then they don't need to be playing. And we were all new at one point too. We made mistake, and then we learned. If they can't knife an obs now, they could only do it before because if shortcomings in the way the mod was built at that point (No offense Falcar =P )

Also, NO ONE KNIFED obs when it was first coming out and the first while it was on EAS servers. They ONLY ever shot. People (copycats) only started knifing when they saw all the good players knifing, this in turn put hardcore testing on an area of the mod that hadn't been strained as hard before, Marines knifing obscurities. The marines are supposed to be scared of the obs, so everything as it is right now is correct. If they don't like it, you can tell them I said to grow a pair, man up, and get better at the mod. This mod will keep changing in the future. There will be implementations that people will hate and other people will love. That's the way any great idea or product evolves. Hopefully some day we can have a happy medium. Untill then, I suggest all the people that are complaining to you, complain themselves here on the forum so we can talk down to them, not you. Because I do respect you.



(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
02:54 AM 11/08/2009

• If they automatically hate it before trying then their opinion is invalid IMO.

• Even if you squad up with new players, you still have the advantage of a fall back point and an early detecion of obscurity. "OMG a squad icon disappeared, there is an obscurity that way, time to set up ambush or retreat".

• They can dodge many bullets, yes, but you only need one tag to drop them after you push them back from a knife, or before you knife them.

• Reducing the knife distance has improved the gameplay greatly IMO. No more of those lame "I was nowhere near him" knives.

The many other players need to speak for themselves, especially if you are getting opinions from people who automatically hate the update before trying it.

How much weighting does this have to you...

"I have the support of hundreds of people who love everything to do about the new knifing system".

It doesn't mean much does it. I suggest you voice your opinion, and leave the other people to voice their own opinion. If they feel strongly enough about it they will take the time to come here and do just that.

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
03:00 AM 11/08/2009

as i havnt played the new update yet. but i will soon when i stop dling... but:

you dont have to fight it out. the mod makers want/need the player opinions about their mod so they can fix it to its best abilities. then they can chosse between the opinions.



(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
03:01 AM 11/08/2009

I used to use the knife more than anything else, killing the obs left right and centre in ridiculous spinning knife attacks and whatnot. So I essentially nerfed myself, but I like the new system, it's fairer. shabang!




Posts: 244
05:33 AM 11/08/2009



(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
06:52 AM 11/08/2009

if u need more of a challenge play without a mouse or keyboard :D

(xfire: LaZerAus) 


OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 225
08:02 AM 11/08/2009

pfft, i do that all the time :P

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
03:32 PM 11/08/2009

"If they automatically hate it before trying then their opinion is invalid IMO."

these are players that had previously played the mod, but just currently recieved the download.

i also agree. i dont like taking all of the negative attention for trying to voice their opinions also, but someone has to do it. i urge them to come and post here but most of them dont know about it, so it's aggrivating.

well it is your decision and i guess theres nothing i can do right now to change that. i guess i'll have to get use to the major change (because like falcar (or snakelet) i went around knifing the obs most of the time and it was fun). i just dont want it to keep going in the direction of noobs spraying and praying while killing the obs.




Posts: 244
04:17 PM 11/08/2009

If you know how to play you can avoid the noob spraying. most people rush around as obs. Take your time and slow down. If they don't hear you coming they feel safe. Crouch walk while making them run at you by using the static gun behind them. Works really well. I rarely get noobed anymore. Again, it's not difficult to overcome 15+ marines for an experienced obs.

(xfire: skaterjbennett) 



Posts: 24
05:46 PM 11/08/2009

^^   I love sneeking into a room full of marines than just running around  them... There is usually a noob sprayer to help clear the room!! HAHAHA

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
06:10 PM 11/08/2009

lol dont be dissin my skillz spider XD.

ik what you mean, im just saying a point. plus its harder if there is someone like you among the noob marines ;)

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
03:50 AM 12/08/2009

If people are complaining about the update whether experienced or not before trying it, then I do not accept their opinion. The saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover' applies perfectly here.

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
04:46 AM 12/08/2009

lol funny u put that there tonight...i played on it tonight and things were lookin great! actually got some 1 hit knives in and the directional damage worked pretty good. now i think my stand point is nuetral-neither for or against the update.

i just was so aggrivated about gettin BS'd so many times. like i posted on "continuous ideas" something seemed wrong with my comp. it was like lag, but i dont presume that it was. any ideas to help me out, plz post them on the "continuous ideas" forum. thanks :)

mr. smarty pants over there and his metaphors ;) lol

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
05:07 AM 12/08/2009

ecept for frankinstein.. just go right ahead and hate that book

(xfire: crunchydeath) 



Posts: 98
07:23 AM 12/08/2009

Ive read 9 books volentarily in my life.... and i've read the entire harry potter series.... the other two was this non-fiction book and one of the eragon books (the first one)


I'll judge any book by its cover!


I judge EVERY book by its cover.... simply because its a book... book = not worth the eye fatigue

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
07:57 AM 12/08/2009

In light of the marine knife change I think obs_ratio should be set to at least 5... We've been trying it over at SoS and it's working quite well, discouraging rushing so its more of a stealthy and scary game.

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
08:13 AM 12/08/2009

I'm loving the non-rushing...I get time to plan my attacks Tongue out

(xfire: LaZerAus) 


OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 225
09:48 AM 12/08/2009

its a really good idea, makes the obs think twice before raging the marines.
I took it nice and easy today as i was tired and its really quite enjoyable seeing marines have no idea what just hit them.

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
05:42 PM 12/08/2009

question- what's SoS

and your going to make the obs knives even shorter??




Posts: 244
09:09 PM 12/08/2009

I believe we've been using 4.5 or 4 for a while now. Any higher and sometimes people don't get turns. I'll ask Skaj about it though and see what happens =) Then again that was when the server held 30+ people xD  Now we're at 22. I'll ask about the ratio though.

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
01:25 AM 13/08/2009

SoS is the server we currently play on (AU).

No, we are not reducing the knife range any more. We are suggesting a new obscurity ratio that works well for the SoS server. The ratio can be changed in the server config and it determines how many obscurities there will be in comparison to marines. Eg: A ratio of 5, means that for every 5 marines, one obscurity would be selected. So if you have 10 marines, there would be 2 obscurities. 20 marines equates to 4 obs and so on.

We are suggesting that less obscurities seems to mean less rushing and more people playing obs taking their time and planning their attacks more. It makes the rounds last longer, and the game is more interesting as you get a lot more stealthy kills rather then (charge > kill > kill > die). It's more along the lines of (sneak about > find an easy target > get close > kill him > get away > focus on next target).

Yesterday in Vacant I was having a great time hunting down the marines slowly. I believe I got a teamdown, which is usually not something I do lol. But it was great just taking my time and not worrying about all the other obscurities rushing to kill everyone, as everyone has time to think, rather then rush for the kills before its round over.

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
02:28 AM 13/08/2009

oh lol. brain fart. didnt appear typed that way. my bad.

lol true about the rushing. i find that i need work on patience ^^

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
08:31 AM 13/08/2009

lol crunchy. u should read "ice station" by matthew riley.. good book




Posts: 10
05:09 PM 14/08/2009

This is definitely my least favorite update ever.  When I play, >>> ALL <<< I do is knife.  ALWAYS.


You say, oh just hit them once.  No.  I don't use my gun, I don't want to use my gun, I hate my gun.  This is BS.  The OBS are already powerful enough and if you say you wanted to even it out more, why not leave the OBS with their extended knife.  And give marines 1-knife-1-kill.  That's fair enough for me.  If the OBS can't dodge a knife then it's there own fault.  It's way too easy to kill people as an obscurity and playing with a gun, really isn't fun at all for me.


When I knife an obscurity, it's fun.  Now I can't even have fun doing that.

If it must stay like this, at least make a perk or something that takes away all your perks or all your weapons or something and call it "Knife Mode" or something.  So you get all your special stuff taken away and can only knife, but your knife is 1-knife-1-kill.


I would give you my gun, my secondary gun, my clays, my C4, my medic, my flashes, whatever.  If I could have a knife and make it 1-knife-1-kill.


Seriously.  (And yes I did try it, so don't say "Ohh, just try it, it's not that bad")  I left the server so I could come post this, and I won't go back into the server now until later because of it.  Seriously this just ruins my fun of playing Obscurity Elimination.

(xfire: LaZerAus) 


OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 225
11:59 PM 14/08/2009

I dont see why your complaining, you can still kill an obscurity with one knife you just have to aim higher and actually look at what you are knifing.
The"1knife-1kill" you are talking about has been discussed for a long time now, and falc/snake decided that it was an unfair advantage towards an obs in a close range knife fight, and this new knifng idea has been implemented into the game.

"Seriously this just ruins my fun of playing Obscurity Elimination" how were you having fun in the first place just knifing the obscurity here and there?, aim for the upper chest region and wahla! or start to begin using your guns, because i doubt it will be changed.




Posts: 244
12:23 AM 15/08/2009

Ok, I'm gettin sick of the "I HATE THIS UPDATE BECAUSE NOW I CAN'T KILL AN OBS LIKE I USED TO". I understand that knifing them was kinda a slap in the face and was fun, but it was UNBALANCED. The damage an obs was taking was incorrect. It has been corrected, now deal with it. The perk thing might be implemented if they so choose, and if they do more power to ya. But if you're just gonna complain cause you can't knife them anymore, WHICH NOT MANY PEOPLE DID untill like 4-5 months ago then I'm sorry but there is just no sympathy.

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
03:13 AM 15/08/2009

Fair enough, Lavamike, that's your opinion. My suggestion, go download the previous version of the mod and run your own server, because we are not changing the knifing system back anytime soon. If you want an easy game to play, Obscurity is not for you.

Our original goal was "One Obs To Rule Them All", in other words, one obscurity vs all marines. The obscurity is meant to be a highly skilled, murderous, predator. It is not something you should be charging at solo with a blade only and knowing you will come out as the victor. To me, if ALL you do is knife, it clearly shows that you are taking advantage of something that it is unbalanced and needs fixing.

And I put this to you...do you think you would die instantly if you were cut on the hand?

If so, again you probably shouldn't be playing Obscurity, but rather be locked away in safety and pampered to like a baby for the rest of your life.

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
08:56 AM 15/08/2009

maybe add something to XX so they bettr as they got no main gun (even tho they got double xplosives), just a thought (do they run faster?)

and maybe if u knife em they bleed anyway (even if you dont have hunter) or it makes a mad imprint on the wall :D

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
09:46 AM 15/08/2009

Nope, so far from what I've seen it is much more balanced. Explosives expert gives you a lot of explosives (Up to 6 grenades I believe), and you always run faster with a pistol. Combine with Extreme Conditioning or Arobat and you will be very agile. I suggest people experiment some more rather then relying on one single way/perk to take down the obscurities.

(xfire: crunchydeath) 



Posts: 98
11:52 AM 15/08/2009

oh s---... i cut my hand! argggggghhhhh.........


i dont know if i can go on.......

...so........... cold..... *caugh* *splutter* 




(xfire: LaZerAus) 


OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 225
12:23 PM 15/08/2009

umm..crunch wtf was that, lol?

but i better play my role. "OMG crunch, Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!..ill seek revenge!"


(xfire: crunchydeath) 



Posts: 98
09:39 PM 15/08/2009

i was acting out snakelets question, therefore showing the obvious flaw that existed before the update :)

"Do you think you would die instantly if you were cut on the hand?"

(xfire: LaZerAus) 


OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 225
03:04 AM 16/08/2009

i see, lol

and the answer to your question..maybe, just maybe Wink

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
04:02 AM 16/08/2009

oh. didnt no that u got extra nades, cause when i tried it last it didnt.. but ok sounds good.


can u make it so u can puck up your c4/claymores?

and can u camo claymores?




Posts: 42
02:41 PM 16/08/2009

lmao and take the red beams away =D




Posts: 10
09:07 PM 16/08/2009

Okay Snakelet, I can see your points.  I was mainly just a little mad and not willing to accept new things.  I'm sure I will be able to get used to this.


And I was never trying to advantage of an unbalanced thing, as I never thought of it as being unbalanced.  The reason I go knife only is because it's different from what everyone else does.  It usually involves some tactics and quick thinking/reaction time.


Of course I wouldn't die if I got cut in the hand and that is a good point.  But I still kind of think that 1-knife-1-kill sort of thing is more even as Obscurity still have the greater advantage, but of course, that's just my opinion.  I will try to work on location knifing and if I just can't get used to it, i'll go back to using Bear Traps ;;)



And, "If so, again you probably shouldn't be playing Obscurity, but rather be locked away in safety and pampered to like a baby for the rest of your life."

That's kinda harsh, and I do not see how it is relevant at all.  All I was trying to do is state my opinion.  Maybe I was a little to strong about it, however.

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
12:43 AM 17/08/2009

That was if you died from a cut to the hand. You probably wouldn't be allowed to go anywhere as a simple cut would kill you, therefore you would be pampered all your life...

Aim higher and you should still be able to one-hit them the majority of the time. One on one, the Obscurity is meant to have the advantage...it's just how it's meant to be.




Posts: 10
12:52 AM 17/08/2009

Yeah, I'm sure I will get used to it.  Smile

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
10:29 AM 17/08/2009

dun dun dunnnnn.

 throwing knives?

